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MSPs introducing automated ESG offerings powered by AI-driven cloud optimisation

Tech Journalist

The world has undergone significant changes due to digital transformation, with technology playing an important role in our daily lives. Both enterprises and consumers are prioritizing sustainability when making decisions, resulting in a shift towards eco-friendly processes and products. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards and net-zero programs have gained importance as a result.

ESG standards are used by the private sector to evaluate a company's risks and practices. They are crucial for sustainable investing as they help investors determine whether a company aligns with their values. The growing demand for ESG-oriented technology has led to the rapid growth of the global ESG-related assets under management (AuM) market, which is expected to reach $33.9 trillion by 2026.

Net-zero programs help businesses achieve a state in which activities in their value chain result in no net impact on the climate. The total investments required are $9.2 trillion per year until 2050, with $6.5 trillion going into low-emissions assets and enabling infrastructure. However, the growing demand for net-zero offerings could generate more than $12 trillion of annual sales by 2030 across 11 value pools, including transport, power and hydrogen.

ESG and net-zero offerings are becoming essential for enterprises across nearly all industries. They can enhance an MSP's image, with 49% of CIOs looking at carbon output, sustainability, and energy efficiency when choosing new Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and suppliers. Even small sustainability efforts can improve a business's bottom line and ROI while reducing exposure to fines, penalties and other business risks.

MSPs must take the necessary steps to improve their own ESG standing while providing the tools that their customers can use. Sustainability programs can help MSPs stand out from the competition, attract and retain talent, and drive down their own and their end-customers' costs. With greater transparency and proof of tangible outcomes, it is easier to plan, implement, manage, measure, and demonstrate results from programs that benefit the bottom line while also burnishing the brands of those who put sustainable programs in place.

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